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"Fast rail and high speed rail solve different problems for Australia’s regions"

Canberra Times, 16 July 2020

Phil Potterton and Dr Anthony Ockwell

“The case for fast rail from Canberra to Sydney”

Canberra Times, 7 May 2020

Phil Potterton and Dr Anthony Ockwell

“It’s time to renovate Australian shipping policy”

Sydney Morning Herald, 8 November 2016

Phil Potterton

Australia’s long distance passenger train and coach services: international comparisons

Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2021

Phil Potterton

What policy rationales can underpin high speed, fast and improved passenger rail in Australia?

Phil Potterton
Winner of the John H. Taplin Award for the Best Paper, ATRF Conference, Perth, 29 November-1 December 2023

Beyond the inner ring: air. coach and train services to regional centres further from state capitals

Phil Potterton

Australasian Transport Research Forum 2022

Profiling Australia’s interstate passenger train, coach and ferry services

Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2019

Phil Potterton

Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2016

Phil Potterton

Australian shipping policy: what drives or constrains success?

30 years of Australian transport policy: what makes for success?

Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2012

Phil Potterton

Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities Inquiry into options for financing faster rail

18 December 2019, no 27 and 27.1 (supplementary)

Phil Potterton and Dr Anthony Ockwell

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the regulation of agriculture, DR 163

22 August 2016

Phil Potterton

Submission to the Transport for NSW inquiry to improve bus safety

The Hunter Valley bus crash which occurred on 11 June 2023 had a devastating impact on the bus occupants, families and friends of those who were on the bus and first responders (police, paramedics, fire fighters, civilians). The second-round impacts on road infrastructure, the legal system, transport services/providers/users, and local communities will, like the direct impact on those directly affected, continue to reverberate for years come. The preliminary indicative economic cost of the road trauma generated by this bus crash is estimated in the submission at $(2023)61.7 million. The submission covers five key areas considered to be critical in supporting the NSW Government’s inquiries into the Hunter Valley bus crash and its commitment to improve road safety. These areas include: road trauma; chain of responsibility; Australian Design Rules (ADRs); telematics and road safety and Road infrastructure. The submission contains 18 recommendations covering these five areas.

29 November 2023

Dr Anthony Ockwell and John Gaffney

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